Toddler Stage?

I'm not sure if I am being accurate but to compare the chicks to my children I think I'm right on. In both the physical and emotional means the chicks are starting to act like toddlers. The chicks are starting to fight to establish a pecking order. Human toddlers scream, cry and hit at their friends because they are trying to get their own way and don't have the words to do that properly. The chicks have become very messy eaters. More food ends up in the bedding then in their tummys. Our toddlers are messy eaters learning how to use their fingers and forks to eat with. If a chick gets a treat she'll run around the brooder playing keep away. If a toddler has a cool toy or treat they run up to their friends and say "Neener Neener Neener!" (this of course would earn my kids a time out and get their snack or toy taken away) And lastly a toddler is going through a big change in their bodies and they look a little awkward running and playing. The chicks with their fast growing and feathers coming in look a little scruffy and gangling. What will the next stage hold? Whinny, attitude, back talking kindergartners? Oh gosh I hope not I already have one of those! LOL. No not really Megan is a pretty good kid but she is a girl and she has her moments.

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