School Chicks

At Megan's school the kindergarten classes got about 20 hatching eggs from McMurray Hatchery. They got the Assorted Top Hat package which could hatch into a variety of breeds that have feather poofs on top of their heads; Buff laced, Golden, Silver, White, Black and White Crested Black Polish, Mottled Houdans, Crevecoeurs, and Sultans. The classes candled the eggs a few times during the three weeks of incubation. At first all the eggs looked viable but as the days passed fewer and fewer eggs looked alive. This weekend they hatched and only four chicks out of the twenty made it out of their eggs. One of those four didn't make it and one of the three remaining chicks is missing an eye. It may be a bit disappointing but at least they have three that seem to be doing quiet well. Watch them all turn out to be Roosters! If I had to made my best guess from the pictures I've seen on the Internet I would have to say that all three chicks are the Golden Polish. We will just have to wait and see. I'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...


I am just about to get some chicks so I have been following along. What are you and the school chicks using for bedding? And what else is in the school chicks crate? Is that wire or cloth? Thanks Simone

Jen said...

Look back to the first posts I put a link there of what bedding I'm using. As for the school chicks I don't know what they are on. They are using what ever came in their classroom chick project kit. I haven't been back yet to see them. Hope you are enjoying my blog and I hope that it helps you in your adventure. ~Jen