Yes, I have Chickens Living in My House

Welcome to my blog all about my first experiences with chickens and with having them living in my house. My wish for this blog is to help other people who are thinking of getting chickens as pets. I have never owned or cared for a chicken before so everything in this blog we be my trail and error. I plan to post everyday for the first two weeks, once a week until the hens start laying eggs and once a month from there after. I hope to have written, picture and video information for those of use who are more visual in nature. Join me in this adventure and decide for yourself if a pet chicken is right for you and your family. My chicks will arrive April 8th or 9th.


Mikhail Tank said...

This is great! I like your Blog. - Mikhail

oakling said...

but how are you going to potty-train them?!
I am watching all agog. I would love to have chickens in my house! hm... the seven cats would completely freak out though.
i saw your link on the urbanchickens list. i don't have any chickens YET, but i will by next year... chickens or bust!

Why is blogger so mean? I should be able to share my url and it is all, nope! only if you are hosted on one of these particular blog sites! well i am sharing it anyway, it is so there, blogger!

Anonymous said...

I have chickens in the house too. We got our first chicken a seabright when she was 6 weeks old, then two weeks later we got a silkie, then a month after that another silkie. My daughters silkie is in cage right next to the desk in our den. She comes out, walks around, and sits with my daughter when she is doing homework. the dog and cats dont seem to mind. It is wonderful. Never had chicks so young, was thinking about getting a few from my pet chicken. We breed rabbits, and I like the idea what you did with an old rabbit cage. Keep us posted on the little ones. Lisa